I slept overnight at Kate's on Thursday, so my day began at her house when I woke up around 9:00 a.m. on Friday. We had stayed up 'til after 2:00 a.m., and I seized the opportunity to sleep in a little. Steve had to work, which is why I didn't stay at Kate's for too long. Nate was in charge of the kids until I got home, so I really didn't want to push it. I packed up all my stuff, then headed home. I got there just after 11:00 a.m. I took a shower, hung out with the kids, picked up the house a bit.... that was about all I could manage before I had to head in to work at four. (Steve got home around three, so I didn't have to leave the kids alone again.)
It was really busy at work. I was kind of surprised since things have slowed way down now that the holidays are over. I didn't mind it being busy, though... it makes the time go faster. I really like working at Michael's... and I am glad they kept me on after Christmas. I was hired as a seasonal associate, so I wasn't sure if I would be able to stay or not. But anyways, I really like it there. It really is the perfect part-time job for me. I'm obsessed with crafts, I love to create things, it's a perfect match!
I'm finding lots of new things I want to try as I'm wandering around the store straightening. Just to name a few.... knitting, crocheting, beading, felting, cake decorating, painting wood decor and furniture.... oh, and there's this book that I really want called A is for Aprons. It's all about aprons, which of course the name implies... LOL! It has a bunch of different apron patterns that are adorable! I don't know why I'm so obsessed with aprons lately. Ever since I saw I bunch of cute ones on Etsy, I have wanted to make my own. You can see what I mean here, and here, and here, and I'm not done, there's more... here. Aren't they cute?! Ok, maybe I'm just a little weird, whatever!
Back to the J-O-B...
Truth be told.... I wish I didn't have to work nights and weekends, but until Jacob is in school full-time, that is just the way it is. So for now I have accepted it, and I am lucky that I get to work at one of my favorite stores!
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